Who We Are

Well, right now, we are just an army of one…(but hopefully a mighty army of one?)

The National Weather Service operates some of the most cutting edge technology in the world with supercomputers that process 29 quadrillion calculations per second. That enormous computing power generates ensemble models that predict 30+ scenarios four times a day for how the future weather might pan out.

In a sense, four times a day, the National Weather Service generates 30 multiverses depicting how the weather might play out. Each one of these multiverses is called an Ensemble.

Today, weather apps take that enormous treasure trove of data and average it out to show you 1 temperature reading with a cute little icon and maybe a % chance of precipitation. That’s the way it always has been…the typical person just isn’t that smart to understand much more…

Oh, and while those weather apps are at it…let’s go ahead and track your location everywhere, sell that data to data brokers, bombard you with advertisements, and beg you to pay $10+ a year just to do away with those ads.

Ensemble is on a mission to eliminate the ads, eliminate the invasion of privacy, and show you a new way to view the weather. We hope you enjoy.